[Salon] What Happened to America’s Anti-Fascist Traditions?


What Happened to America’s Anti-Fascist Traditions?

Matthew Ehret   April 4, 2024

Americans once took great pride in the defeat of the Nazi scourge that threatened to run roughshod over the 20th century and beyond. Under the leadership of Franklin Roosevelt, America mobilized not only to heal from the devastation of the Great Depression, but also became a global leader of industrial power supplying the Allies with the tools they needed to fight the war before entering the fight herself in 1941.

Coming out of that scarring experience, there was great hope that the world would finally be raised out of the fires of imperialism, poverty and war. The UN charter enshrined Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms, respect for sovereignty and a mandate for economic cooperation into law giving hope that a new age of brotherhood was upon us.

Despite certain pushbacks by US Statesmen to the Anglo-American special relationship, and military industrial complex that began to take on a life of its own, FDR’s vision for world peace continued to die throughout the Cold War.

Perhaps it was allowing RAND Corp computer modellers to shape international policy, or perhaps it was the FBI-McCarthyite witch hunts and constant threat of global nuclear annihilation that caused once-courageous Americans to become gullible and fearful. Whatever the cause had been, the fact that major components of Hitler’s intelligence apparatus and unapologetic fascists were repurposed after the war to be used to combat Communism throughout the Cold War did not help.

Allen Dulles was quick to instal Hitler’s top intelligence chief Reinhard Gehlen as the head of West German intelligence along with his entire network, and then before we knew it, Operation Gladio was launched by the CIA and NATO which utilized armadas of Nazi war criminals dubbed “stay behinds” throughout Europe. This operation ran terrorist attacks, and assassinations targeting civilian population and even troublesome statesmen like Enrico Mattei or Prime Minister Aldo Moro who didn’t wish to play ball with Cold War games. At least several of the 30 attempts on de Gaulle’s life were attributed to this network.

It was within this context that the plague of Ukrainian Nazism running rampant in Ukraine today and which has done so much damage during the past eight-year Civil War in Eastern Ukraine is to be found.

Stephan Bandera who was honored as an official national hero in Kiev was himself a Nazi-collaborator during WWII whose Organization for Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) exterminated over 100 thousand jews and poles between 1941-1944. After the CIA forgave the OUN for all crimes in 1951, Bandera was quickly installed into Gehlen’s networks and immediately went to work in Gladio terror operations and was killed by the KGB in 1959. 

Stepan Bandera Is The Wrong Hero In Ukraine's Valiant, 57% OFF

Bandera’s colleague Mykola Lebed who also oversaw OUN-directed genocides fared better in the USA where he led a consulting company called Prolog Research Corporation alongside head of CIA directorate of plans Frank Wisner.

Is it any wonder that that it was in this atmosphere that, America lost touch with her constitutional traditions?

How could the great republic navigate through the world as a moral leader when she had so deeply compromised on her own anti-fascist principles? From the earliest days of the Truman Doctrine, unjust wars were launched abroad, and nationalist leaders of foreign countries not wishing to play Banana republic roles in the Great Game often found themselves assassinated or overthrown in CIA-run coups.

The practice of lying to Americans using false flags (such as Operation Northwoods and the Gulf of Tonkin non-incident that unleashed the Vietnam War) became common practice and the military industrial complex which Eisenhower warned of in 1960 only grew.

Under Zbigniew Brzezinski’s guidance, the CIA-funded emergence of Islamic terrorism became just another chess piece on the Great Game. Like the use of Nazis stay-behinds earlier, this was of course justified by the belief that all evils were good if they stopped the supposedly expansionist Soviet Union.

Many hoped that the dissolution of the Soviet Union would finally put an end to this age of chaos, confusion and murky morality.

Sadly, it wasn’t long after Bush Sr’s 1990 New World Order speech and Desert Storm that the Wolfowitz doctrine was established calling for the prevention of “the re-emergence of a new rival, either on the territory of the former Soviet Union or elsewhere”. 

In a bone chilling 1992 manifesto, William Kristol and Robert Kagan (husband to Victoria F-the-EU Nuland) called for the USA to lead a “benevolent global hegemony”.

Rather than seeing a renaissance of US-Russian relations and an age of peace as hoped by many, the dream was again killed as it had been earlier in 1945. Instead of promised investments into Russian industrial growth, the USA oversaw the destruction of Russia under Perestroika, and the creation of a new parasitic oligarchical class. With the help of money from Soros, the NED and CIA, former Soviet states saw their economies torn to shreds and militaries enmeshed increasingly into NATO whose raison d’etre should have dissolved in 1992. A logic of full spectrum dominance encircling Russia became increasingly recognized as the driving intent behind NATO’s growth which always had the Ukraine and Georgia in its crosshairs.

The USA continued to advance into the 21st century under the religious like assumption that the New World Order must be shaped by unchallenged Anglo-American hegemony as outlined by the Wolfowitz doctrine earlier and restated by the authors of the Project for a New American Century who seized power in 2000.

Since the 2014 Maidan coup which saw fascist mercenaries under Azov, Svoboda and Right Sector banners overthrow the pro-Russian government of Yanukovych, thousands of civilians in East Ukraine have been killed. Openly brazen neo-Nazis like Dimitry Yarosh have been appointed as special advisor to the head of Ukraine’s military (in Nov. 2021) and it has become evident that the old Cold War practices have been tough habits to break.

We are being told by nearly all media outlets in true Cold War fashion that Putin has started world war 3 with the launch of the Special Military Intervention into Ukraine.

I maintain that the NATO/neo-Nazi war against Russia began in 2014 and that in many ways WWII itself never truly ended since unreconstructed Nazis were immediately absorbed into the NATO global military intelligence outfit after 1945.

Taking those often-ignored facts of history into account, it appears Putin might be trying to finally end it.

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